Appmixer engine is pluggable, this section describes available plugins and how to configure them.
Appmixer 5.1 and higher contains a MinIO plugin. If this plugin is turned on, Appmixer will store all user files (files created either through Appmixer flows or through the /files API) in the MinIO/S3 server.
The plugin cannot migrate existing files from MongoDB to MinIO. It has to be turned on when Appmixer is installed before the files are created. If you already have files in MongoDB and want to start using MinIO, you have to migrate the data.
How to turn the plugin on. Add minio to the SYSTEM_PLUGINS (comma-separated list of plugins) ENV variable (these cannot be set through the Backoffice):
# Turning on the plugin
# Required variables
MINIO_ENDPOINT= # to connect to AWS S3
# Optional variables
# Default value set to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.
# Set this value to 'true' to enable secure (HTTPS) access
# All files will be stored by default in the 'appmixer-files' bucket
If you want to use the S3, the S3 user has to have these permissions: