Backoffice Insights page - To Date fixed to include the last day of the month.
date-time picker fixed, when the selected date was cleared, it ended in an invalid state.
context.service functions (loadState, stateSet, …) are available in the Flow design phase (not only during the flow runtime), so they can be used in the auxiliary components called from component.json (using the source
“static calls”).
If an OAuth2 refreshAccessToken function returns 400, 401, or 403, the token is marked as invalid (and no more attempts to refresh it will be executed).
Improved logs of Axios exceptions (size reduced).
The security of the component authentication pages (/auth-service and /auth-pre) have been improved by changing how the configuration was passed onto the pages. Previously, configuration was passed via URL query parameters. Newly, this configuration is rendered directly by the backend (Appmixer engine) making it impossible for external malicious injections.