The SetVariable Component assigns variables dynamically based on input type and value. It allows storing values in various formats such as text, numbers, dates, booleans, and files.
Accepts an object containing variables and their values.
Emits the assigned variables as an object.
Text (text
) – Stores a string value.
Textarea (textarea
) – Stores a longer text value.
Number (number
) – Stores a numeric value.
Date-Time (date-time
) – Stores a date and time.
Boolean (toggle
) – Stores a true/false value.
File (filepicker
) – Stores a selected file reference.
Provide Variables
Send an object containing variable names, types, and values to the in
Processing Variables
The component assigns the variables dynamically based on their types.
Retrieve Output
The processed variables are sent as an object through the out
Flexible Variable Storage: Supports multiple data types for dynamic variable assignments.
Useful for Workflow Automation: Allows temporary storage of values for later processing.
Outputs in Key-Value Format: The output is structured as an object containing assigned values.