System Configuration

You can set several configuration variables for the Appmixer engine through the Backoffice. We'll specify which variables can be configured in this section.

Using the System section

You can find the System section in the left menu. When you click it, you will see a screen like this:

There is a table with a list of the variables already defined. Each variable has the options for viewing in detail, editing, and removing.

You can also add a new configuration option using the "Add" button on the top right. Then a new row will be created with the key and value inputs for you to fill in.

Possible configuration values

Here is a list of the possible configuration values, a short explanation for each of them, and their default value (the value that Appmixer uses, in case it is not defined anywhere):

Setting some configuration values won't take effect immediately, but the Appmixer engine needs restarted.

Forgot Password Service

Appmixer engine has an API to reset forgotten passwords. This works together with the Appmixer Frontend application (not the Appmixer SDK), if you use the frontend application, you can set up the forgot password service.

In order to create a link that can be sent to the user, the Appmixer engine needs to know the frontend URL, there are two variables that can be set for that:

Without any changes, the link will be http://localhost:8080/reset-password?code={{code}}.

That link has to be then delivered to the user. There are two ways this can be done:


You can register a system webhook that will be triggered every time a user requests to change their password. The webhook URL can be registered under the key WEBHOOK_USER_FORGOT_PASSWORD and the JSON object sent to that URL will be:

  "code": 'unique code generated for identifying forgot password request',
  "email": 'email address of the user',
  "userId": 'User Id',
  "created": 'date when a user requested for forgot password',
  "link": 'Link to access forgot password page on the frontend'

You can use Appmixer to create a simple flow, that would send emails with the reset password link.


The other way is to configure the SMTP server, Appmixer will then send an email with the reset password link to the user's email address.

The default email body:

<p>You have requested to reset your password. Please click on the link below to reset your password.</p>
<p><a href="{{link}}">Reset Password</a></p>
<p>If you are unable to click on the link, please copy and paste the following link into your browser:</p>

If the forgot password webhook is configured as explained above, the Appmixer engine will not send the email to the user and it will trigger the webhook instead.

Last updated