API Module

The Appmixer SDK uses this API module internally to connect to the REST API.


Set up a new api instance with config parameters and set/get methods:

const appmixer = new Appmixer(config)

appmixer.api.set(key, value)


Type: String | Default: null

Base URL of your Appmixer engine REST API.


Type: String | Default: null

Access token of an authorized user.



await appmixer.api.authenticateUser(username, password)

Authenticate a user to Appmixer. Note that this can be a "virtual" user that exists for the sole purpose of associating a real user of your own product to a user in Appmixer. Each user in Appmixer can have a set of flows, can run and stop flows, and can see data going through their flows. The returned promise is either resolved with an object that contains a token (which you need to set with appmixer.set('accessToken', token) to be able to make calls to the API backend. Or the promise is rejected with an error object. If the error object returns a 403 status code (i.e. err.response.status === 403), the user does not exist in Appmixer.


await appmixer.api.signupUser(username, password)

Create a new user in Appmixer. The returned promise is either resolved with an authentication object (containing the token property) or rejected if the sign-up fails.


await appmixer.api.createFlow(name, [descriptor], [properties])

appmixer.api.createFlow(name, [descriptor], [properties])Create a new flow in Appmixer. The returned promise resolves to the ID of the newly created flow. The properties object can contain your own custom metadata inside the customFields property. This is especially useful for filtering flows based on your own custom metadata.


await appmixer.api.deleteFlow(flowId)

Delete an existing flow identified by flowId.


await appmixer.api.getFlow(flowId)

Get flow. The returned promise resolves to an object with the following information: { id, flow, name, stage, btime, mtime, thumbnail }, where flow is the Flow Descriptor, stage is either 'running' or 'stopped', btime is the time the flow was created ("birth" time), mtime is the time the flow was modified and thumbnail contains a thumbnail image (self-contained, in the Data URI format).


await appmixer.api.getFlows(query)

Get all flows of the user or filter them by query. query is an object with the following properties: limit, offset, pattern (a string to filter flows containing pattern in their names), sort, projection (allows you to exclude properties from the returned flow objects), sharedWithPermissions and filter.Example:

  limit: 20,
  offset: 0,
  pattern: "slack",
  projection: "-flow,-thumbnail",
  sort: "mtime:-1",
  sharedWithPermission: "read",
  filter: "userId:423jfdsalfjl4234fdsa"


await appmixer.api.getFlowsCount(query)

Get the number of all flows of the user or filter them by query. query is an object with pattern property that can include a string to filter flows containing a pattern in their names. Example: { "pattern": "dropbox" }.


await appmixer.api.updateFlow(flowId, update)

Update an existing flow. update can contain the following information: { flow, name, customFields }, where flow is the Flow Descriptor of the flow and customFields is an object with your own custom metadata for this flow.


await appmixer.api.startFlow(flowId)

Start a flow.


await appmixer.api.stopFlow(flowId)

Stop a flow.


await appmixer.api.cloneFlow(flowId)

Create a copy of an existing flow. The returned promise resolves to the ID of the newly created flow.


await appmixer.api.getUser()

Get current user. The returned promise resolves to an object with username.


await appmixer.api.getStores()

Get all the data stores. The returned promise resolves to an array of stores each an object with name and storeId properties.


await appmixer.api.getStore(storeId)

Get one store. The returned promise resolves to an object with name and storeId properties.


await appmixer.api.getStoreRecordsCount(query)

Get the number of records in a store. query is an object with storeId and pattern properties where pattern is a string to filter records that contain the string in their keys or values.


await appmixer.api.getStoreRecords(query)

Get store records. query is an object with storeId, pattern (string to search for in keys/values), limit , offset and sort properties. Example:

  limit: 30,
  offset: 0,
  pattern: "foo",
  sort: "updatedAt:-1",


await appmixer.api.createStore(name)

Create a new store. The returned promise resolves to the ID of the newly created store.


await appmixer.api.deleteStore(storeId)

Delete a store.


await appmixer.api.renameStore(storeId, newName)

Rename an existing store.


await appmixer.api.createStoreItem(storeId, key, value)

Create a new record in a store.


await appmixer.api.deleteStoreItems(items)

Delete store items. items is an array of objects each having a key and storeId properties identifying the item and store from which the item should be removed.


await appmixer.api.createAccount(params, data)

Create a custom account.


await appmixer.api.getAccounts(filter)

Get a list of connected accounts of the user. filter is a custom query string (see the GET /accounts for an example). The returned promise resolves to an array of objects of the form { accountId, name, displayName, service, icon, profileInfo }.


await appmixer.api.getComponentAccounts(componentType, componentId)

Get a list of accounts connected to a specific component.


await appmixer.api.getAccountFlows(accountId)

Get a list of flows this account is used in. The returned promise resolves to an array of objects with flowId and name properties.


await appmixer.api.setAccountName(accountId, newName)

Rename a connected account. Note that this name is displayed in the Accounts widget and also in the Inspector UI of the Designer.


await appmixer.api.getLogs(query)

Get logs. The query is an object of the form { from, size, sort, query }:

  from: 0,
  size: 30,
  sort: "@timestamp:desc",
  query: "@timestamp:[2018-01-01 TO 2018-01-01]"

Get logs of a specific flow:

  from: 0,
  size: 30,
  sort: "@timestamp:desc",
  query: "@timestamp:[2018-01-01 TO 2018-01-01] AND +flowId:FLOW_ID"


await appmixer.api.getLog(logId, index)

Get one log. logId and index are values returned from getLogs().


await appmixer.api.getPeopleTasks(query)

Get all tasks of the user. query.role can be either "approver" or "requester" and allows you to filter tasks based on the role. query.pattern filters returned tasks by a term that must be contained in the task title. Settingquery.secret to either the approverSecret or requesterSecret allows you to get a list of tasks of a different user for which you have the secret (other than the one identified by the access token, i.e. the currently signed-in user).


await appmixer.api.getPeopleTasksCount(query)

Returns the number of tasks based on the query. See getPeopleTasks(query) for more info.


await appmixer.api.getPeopleTask(id)

Return one task identified by id.


await appmixer.api.approveTask(id, [params])

Approve a task identified by id. params is an optional object that can contain the secret property (approver secret). Having the secret allows you to approve a task of any user for which you have the secret, not just the currently signed-in user.


await appmixer.api.rejectTask(id, [params])

Reject a task identified by id. params is an optional object that can contain the secret property (approver secret). Having the secret allows you to reject a task of any user for which you have the secret, not just the currently signed-in user.


await appmixer.api.getCharts()

Returns all the Insights charts of the user.


await appmixer.api.getChart(chartId)

Return one Insights chart identified by chartId.


await appmixer.api.deleteChart(chartId)

Delete an Insights chart identified by chartId.


await appmixer.api.getFlowAuthentication(flowId)

This request will return an object with all the components in the flow that have auth section with all the available accounts.


appmixer.api.on(event, handler)


appmixer.api.on('error', error => {
  if (error.code === 401) {
    /* A request failed because the current access token is invalid ... */

The event is triggered when a request fails with an error or when the access token is invalid.

Last updated