

The appmixer.ui.InsightsChartEditor is a UI widget that allows the user to configure a new chart visualization of any data of their flows. Different types of charts are supported including bar, line, area, scatter, pie and more. Moreover, the user can select from a wide range of aggregations to create an aggregated visualization of their data such as Date Histogram, Sum, Min, Max, Average, Unique Count, Range and Filter.

InsightsChartEditor Events


var insightsChartEditor = appmixer.ui.InsightsChartEditor({
    el: '#your-insights-chart-editor-div'
appmixer.api.getCharts().then(function(charts) {
    var myChart = charts[0];   // Assuming we have at least one chart.
    insightsChartEditor.set('chartId', myChart.chartId);;

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