Custom Component Shapes

Fully customize appearance of components in diagrams.


Shape registration in the Appmixer SDK:

var appmixer = new Appmixer({
    componentShapes: {
        action: myCustomComponentShape,
        trigger: myCustomComponentShape,
        myUniqueShape: myCustomComponentShape

Use "action" and "trigger" keys to override defaults. You can define a custom shape for any component in the system, shape reference in a component manifest looks like this:

    shape: "myUniqueShape"

Built-in shapes are action, trigger, actionVertical and triggerVertical.


Special selectors

Dynamic properties of the component, such as label and icon, are mapped to optional selectors in the markup.

Special attributes

var myCustomComponentShape = {
    attributes: {
        size: { height: 60, width: 60 },
        markup: [{
            tagName: 'rect',
            selector: 'body',
        }, {
            tagName: 'text',
            selector: 'label'
        }, {
            tagName: 'image',
            selector: 'icon',
        attrs: {
            body: {
                event: 'remove', // Click on the "body" will remove the element
                refWidth: '100%',
                refHeight: '100%',
                stroke: 'black',
                strokeWidth: '4px',
                fill: 'white',
            label: {
                ref: 'body',
                textAnchor: 'middle',
                refX: 0.5,
                refY: '100%',
                refY2: 12,
                fill: 'black',
                fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
            icon: {
                ref: 'body',
                refX: 0.5,
                refY: 0.5,
                xAlignment: 'middle',
                yAlignment: 'middle',
                height: 30,
                width: 30,
    ports: {
        attributes: {
            in: {
                attrs: {
                    '.port-label': {
                        fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                        fontSize: 12,
            out: {
                attrs: {
                    '.port-label': {
                        fontFamily: 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                        fontSize: 12,
    link: {
        attributes: {
            router: {
                name: 'metro',
        attrs: {
            line: {
                event: "remove", // Click on the line will remove the link
    states: {
        '@active': {
            attributes: {
                attrs: {
                    body: {
                        stroke: 'blue',
            link: {
                attributes: {
                    attrs: {
                        line: {
                            stroke: 'blue',

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