
The component manifest provides information about a component (such as name, icon, author, description and properties) in a JSON text file. The manifest file must be named component.json.

Example manifest file:

    "name": "appmixer.utils.controls.OnStart",
    "author": "Martin Krčmář <>",
    "label": "On Flow Start",
    "description": "This trigger fires once and only once the flow starts.",
    "icon": "...",
    "outPorts": [
            "name": "out",
            "schema": {
                "properties": {
                    "started": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "format": "date-time"
                "required": [ "started" ]
            "options": [
                { "label": "Start time", "value": "started" }


  • name

    Name of the component.

  • label

    Label that will be used instead of name.

  • icon

    Component icon.

  • marker Component badge icon giving users extra context.

  • author


  • description


  • auth

    Authentication mechanism if the component requires authentication.

  • quota

    Parameters for the quota module used in the component (to conform with API usage limits).

  • properties

    Properties of the component.

  • inPorts

    Definition of the input of the component and how data transforms before it is processed by the component.

  • outPorts

    Definition of the output of the component and variables that other connected components can use in their input.

  • firePatterns

    Requirements for the component input messages to decide whether the component is ready to fire.

  • tick

    Enable polling mechanism on the component.

  • private Make component private to hide it from the user.

  • webhook Make component "webhook"-type meaning it can receive HTTP requests.

  • state Controls whether component's internal state is preserved across flow restarts.

Last updated

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