System Configuration
Appmixer offers a variety of system configuration options for advanced use cases, allowing you to finely tune the behavior of its underlying workflow and integration engine. To access and set these configuration options, navigate through the Appmixer Backoffice interface to the "System -> System Configuration" page.
Please be aware that certain configuration changes may not take immediate effect without restarting the Appmixer engine. For customers with a Self-Managed Appmixer installation, restarting the engine can be done at your convenience to apply the new settings. For those with a hosted Appmixer tenant, it's advisable to reach out to our support team at Our team can provide guidance on how to effectively set these configuration options and assist with any necessary engine restarts to ensure your configurations are applied as intended.
Configuration options
Below is a list of available configuration options, accompanied by a brief explanation for each and their default values. These defaults are used by Appmixer in instances where no specific value is provided:
Key | Detail | Default value | Needs restart |
API_USER_CREATE_SCOPE | By default, the POST /user API is open to enable the sign-in feature for everyone. This option can restrict the access to this endpoint. It takes a list of scopes (comma-separated). If the value is not null, then a JWT token has to be used to call this API. Typically, the value is set to | null | |
APP_NAME | This will for example appear in the head title of a sign-in popup for Api Key services. | Appmixer | |
AUTH_HUB_AUTOMATIC | If the auth-hub system plugin is on and this value is true, all OAuth requests for unconfigured services will go through the Authentication Hub. It means that if you install Slack, for example, and do not configure the clientId and clientSecret the engine will use the Appmixer Authentication Hub for Slack authorization. | true | |
DEFAULT_USER_VENDOR | Vendor assigned to newly created users. | No value | |
AUTH_POPUP_DISPLAY_ERR | Whether to display validation errors from the authentication modules. | true | |
AUTH_POPUP_TIMEOUT_ERR | How many seconds before automatically closing the Connecting Account Failed popup window. | 5 | |
BROKER_MESSAGE_ACK_TIMEOUT | Timeout for message processing. | 1500000 | |
COMPONENT_FACTORY_TIMEOUT | An attempt to create a component will fail after this timeout. | 300000 | |
COMPONENT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT | A message will be retried if the receive() function does not return within this timeout. | 1380000 | |
LIMIT_FLOW_UPDATE_BYTES | The max size in bytes of a flow descriptor to be able to be saved. | 2097152 | |
LIMIT_CC_ARCHIVE_MAX_BYTES | Maximum size in bytes for custom components. | 10485760 | |
LIMIT_WEBHOOK_BYTES | Maximum payload size in bytes for webhook components. | 1048576 | |
WEBHOOK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Timeout in milliseconds for webhook component requests. | 10000 | |
LIMIT_COMPONENT_STATIC_CALL_MAX_BYTES | Maximum size in bytes of the payload for component static calls. | 104857600 | |
PUBLIC_FILES_PREFIX | Public files (needed usually for domain verification) can be served from different paths. Path prefixes have to be separated by | ||
RETRY_INIT_EXP | In case of an error, message for a Component is rescheduled for another attempt. Backoff strategy is used. This retryInitExpiration is the initial value for the backoff, it says after how many milliseconds the first attempt after a failure is going to happen. | 60000 | |
RETRY_MAX_COUNT | How many times does the engine try to process the message before rejecting it forever (and moving into the Unprocessed Messages collection). | 30 | |
RETRY_MAX_EXP | Maximum interval in milliseconds between retry attempts. | 3600000 | |
DISPATCHER_PREFETCH_COUNT | The maximum number of Rabbit messages being dispatched at the same time. | 500 | |
INPUT_QUEUE_PREFETCH_COUNT | The maximum number of outgoing Rabbit messages waiting for aknowledgement at the time in the Input Queue. Subsequent incoming messages will not be sent until pending messages are aknowledged. | 300 | |
WEBHOOK_PREFETCH_COUNT | This is for webhooks from Appmixer to registered URLs. This is the amount of webhook messages that will be processing at a time. | 50 | |
WEBHOOK_RETRY_COUNT | Number of times that Appmixer will retry sending a webhook. Applies for all webhooks. | 20 | |
WEBHOOK_RETRY_INTERVAL | Initial interval in milliseconds for retries. Subsequent retries will take longer (multiplied by an internal factor). | 30000 | |
WEBHOOK_RETRY_MAX | Maximum interval in milliseconds between retries. | 1800000 | |
WEBHOOK_USER_CREATED | URL that will be called when new user is created (sign-up). | No value | |
WEBHOOK_FLOW_COMPONENT_ERROR | URL that will be called when a running flow encounters an error. | No value | |
WEBHOOK_FLOW_COMPONENT_ERROR_INCLUDE_QUOTA | Include quota errors among the errors sent to the registered webhook URL. | false | |
WEBHOOK_FLOW_COMPONENT_ERROR_INCLUDE_RETRY | Include retry attempts among the errors sent to the registered webhook URL. If false, the error will be sent, when all 30 attempts to process a message fail. If true, every failed attempt will be sent. | false | |
WEBHOOK_FLOW_STOPPED | URL that will be called when a flow is stopped due to an incompatible module upgrade. | No value | |
STRICT_COOKIES | If set to true, the engine will reject any incoming HTTP requests that have cookies that don't comply with the HTTP cookies RFC specification. | false | |
GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_CONTINUITY_SCOPES_TTL | The maximum time in days before continuity scopes are garbage collected. A continuity scope is a state of a flow including data from the flow runtime needed to continue the flow from a certain component onwards. For example, the Plivo.SendSMSAndWaitForReply sends an SMS and waits for an event (webhook) from Plivo that contains an SMS with a reply. The continuity scope contains all the data needed to continue the flow at a later time (when the webhook from Plivo is received which can take hours to days. | 100 |
Last updated