Service Configuration

Appmixer allows you to save global configuration values for your service. If a component contains either an auth section or authConfig section, values for specified service will be injected.

Only users with admin scope can use these endpoints.

Get Services Configuration

GET /service-config

Get a list of stored configurations.

Query Parameters

		"serviceId": "appmixer:google",
		"clientID": "my-global-client-id",
		"clientSecret": "my-global-client-secret"
		"serviceId": "appmixer:evernote",
		"sandbox": true,

Get Service Configuration

GET /service-config/:serviceId

Get the configuration stored for the given service.

Path Parameters

	"serviceId": "appmixer:google",
	"clientID": "my-global-client-id",
	"clientSecret": "my-global-client-secret"

Create Service Configuration

POST /service-config

Creates a new configuration for a service. The only required parameter on the payload is the serviceId. The rest of the payload can be any key/value pairs that will be the desired configuration for the service. For example: { "serviceId": "appmixer:google", "clientID": "my-global-client-id", "clientSecret": "my-global-client-secret" }

Request Body

	"serviceId": "appmixer:google",
	"clientID": "my-global-client-id",
	"clientSecret": "my-global-client-secret"

Update Service Configuration

PUT /service-config/:serviceId

Updates the stored configuration for the given service. The payload should contain the whole configuration, as the payload content will overwrite the configuration stored under the service.

Path Parameters

Request Body

	"serviceId": "appmixer:google",
	"clientID": "my-global-client-id",
	"clientSecret": "my-global-client-secret"

Delete Service Configuration

DELETE /service-config/:serviceId

Removes the configuration from the given service.

Path Parameters


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