The component manifest provides information about a component (such as name, icon, author, description and properties) in a JSON text file. The manifest file must be named component.json.
Example manifest file:
Name of the component.
Label that will be used instead of
Component icon.
marker Component badge icon giving users extra context.
Authentication mechanism if the component requires authentication.
Parameters for the quota module used in the component (to conform with API usage limits).
Properties of the component.
Definition of the input of the component and how data transforms before it is processed by the component.
Definition of the output of the component and variables that other connected components can use in their input.
Requirements for the component input messages to decide whether the component is ready to fire.
Enable polling mechanism on the component.
private Make component private to hide it from the user.
webhook Make component "webhook"-type meaning it can receive HTTP requests.
state Controls whether component's internal state is preserved across flow restarts.
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