

You'll need a Snowflake account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free trial on the Snowflake website.

Obtain Credentials and Configuration

You will need the following details to connect to your Snowflake database:

  • Account Name: This is often part of your Snowflake URL. You can find it in the Snowflake web interface after logging into your account.

  • Username: The username of the Snowflake user account you wish to use.

  • Password: The password for that Snowflake user.

  • Database Name: The name of the database you want to connect to.

  • Warehouse: The name of the virtual warehouse to use for running queries.

How to Find This Information:

  • Account:

    • Your account identifier is usually part of your Snowflake URL.

    • When you log into Snowflake, the URL looks like https: //

    • Here, is your account identifier.

  • Username and Password:

    • The credentials you use to log into the Snowflake web interface.

  • Database and Warehouse:

    • After logging into Snowflake, navigate to the Databases and Warehouses tabs to see available options.

    • Choose the appropriate database and warehouse for your needs.

Last updated